Fiche cheval rattan world

R6C1plathandicap 62986happy valley1200M102104tai lam chung handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 10:40
111speedstarH65p3p4p2p7pteetan k./101:09
Pour sa course de rentrée, il sera associé d'entrée de jeu à Karis Teetan. Un signe.
29vulcanusH45p2p8p0p9pho c.y./1
32cosmo navigatorH50p3p3p7p0pchung y.l./1
1fairy horseH47p6p2p9p4pbowman h./1
Il devrait grandement apprécier le fait de revenir sur 1200 mètres.
3country dancerH44p0p4p6p7ppurton z./1
Pour sa rentrée, il a laissé une belle impression et s'annonce redoutable, sous la selle de Zac Purton.
4urban triumphH54p8p0p0p3pleung k.c./1
Sur la montante, il s'annonce compétitif pour une place sur le podium.
5good view gloryH55p9p1p0p4pavdulla b./1
6hero starH96p0p7p9p6pferraris l./1
7tattenhamH57p7p0p3p6pbadel a./1
Il retrouve Alexis Badel, le dernier jockey à l'avoir mené au succès.
8falcon courtH58p0p0p3p3patzeni a./1
10rattan worldH52p9p8p0p7phamelin a./1
Il reste sur une excellente performance (2e) à Sha Tin et va tenter de confirmer.
12sunny shinesH47p0p9p7p0ppoon m.f./1

R6C2plathandicap 57371sha tin (hong kong)1200M102104shek uk shan handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:45
12smart leaderH108p5p8p7p0pde melo k./1
210rattan worldH59p8p0p7p6phamelin a./1
Il est désormais très bien placé en valeur handicap.
36excellent daddyH80p0p0p0p0pleung k.c./1
1flying romanticH49p5p0p0p0ppoon m.f./1
3super charizzardH49p9p8p9p9pbowman h./1
4high rise powerH53p9p7p0p0pavdulla b./1
Il a nettement progressé lors de son ultime tentative.
5vulcanusH42p8p0p9p8pchung y.l./1
Il vient de courir en très nets progrès sur ce tracé.
7gallant goodyH58p5p3p9p0ppurton z./1
8super joyH65p7p0p7p4pchadwick m./1
Il s'est imposé sur ce tracé la saison dernière.
9california iconH40p0p9p0p8pbentley h./1
11patch of watchH50p5p6p0p0pwong e.c.w./1
Avec une course dans les jambes, il s'annonce redoutable.
12regency happy starH54p9p6p7p0pwong p.n./1
Quatrième de la course clé, il a une belle carte à jouer.

R2C1plathandicap 2447sha tin (hong kong)1200M102104mr award handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:00
Non-partants : 10
111super eliteH50p0p4p0p3pbowman h.11/101:09
22joyful lifeH50p8p4p5p7pleung k.c.7.3/12 l
37cheer for southH54p9p6p4p2pteetan k.5.4/13/4 l
43lucky qualityH80p6p0pTp4pchan k.h.12/11/2 l
54youth powerH40p0p0p9p6pthompson b.43/13/4 l
61cervinH46p0p0p0pyeung m.l.27/1
712regency happy starH50p6p4p0p0phewitson l.11/1
89rattan worldH50p7p6p5p6pde melo k.5.8/1
95good view gloryH51p0p4p3p9patzeni a.6.5/1
1014circuit splendorH75p7p0p7pbadel a.27/1
1113dragon kingdomH75p5p0p0pmo h.t.7.35/1
126alloy kingH86p0p0p0p8pbentley h.15/1
138e talentH40p0p0p(23)0pchung y.l.92/1
10super joyH67p4p1p2p0pchadwick m.27/1

R7C3plathandicap 6185happy valley1650M102104auteuil handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:40
16dragon delightH66p4p6p0p5pwong e.c.w./101:41
25big twoH72p3p3p3p0pbowman h./12 l 1/2
32master of luckH66p0p1p2p5pavdulla b./1tete
412hang's choiceH60p8p7p7pyeung m.l./1encolure
59happihoodH47p0p7p0phewitson l./11 l 1/4
610mighty starH66p4p2p(23)9pteetan k./12 l 1/2
74rattan worldH56p5p6p3p1phamelin a./12 l 1/2
81yee cheong warriorH83p0p9p(23)9ppurton z./1encolure
97prestige moochiH50p0p8p9pthompson b./13/4 l
108dragon kingdomH70p(23)0p0p0pchadwick m./13/4 l
1111eagle runH62p7p0p0pchung y.l./13 l
123v love youH50p0p0p0p7pchau c.l./116 l

R2C1plathandicap 9187happy valley1200M102104kwoon chung motors handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:40
13colonelH86p0p3p(23)4pferraris l.3.9/101:10
27young horizonH67p9p9p(23)8pleung k.c.5/1cte tete
310viva a laH62p6p8p(23)5pbadel a.5.2/11/2 l
42wind speederH75p7p(23)2p0pchau c.l.14/1encolure
512noir riderH88p4p0p(23)0pyeung m.l.24/12 l 1/2
61rattan worldH53p1p(23)5p7phamelin a.7.65/11 l 3/4
79h z tourbillonH75p(23)7p7p3pbentley h.30/1cte tete
86nordic combinedH60p6p8p0ppurton z.10/11 l 1/4
911devil and goldH57p0p(23)0p5pthompson b.20/1cte tete
105daily trophyH50p4p9p5pwong e.c.w.24/11/2 l
114sonic boomH46p6p5p(23)0pbowman h.18/11 l 1/2
128general aceH61p8p0p(23)6pde melo k.18/11 l

R2C2plathandicap 12876happy valley1200M102331venus handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:40
16crystal powerfulH45p8p8p0p0patzeni a.9.15/101:10
211circuit splendorH60p7p3p6p1pyeung m.l.8.65/11 l 1/4
310happily friendsH75p5p2p2p0ppurton z.14/1encolure
44island surpriseH67p9p9p8p6pchadwick m.26/1cte tete
59fighting starH63p4p0p0p3pteetan k.3.05/11 l 1/4
68great daysH37p6p9p0p0pbadel a.21/1encolure
75rattan worldH45p3p5p9p7phewitson l.6.75/13/4 l
81alloy kingH70p1p0p0p1phamelin a.26/1encolure
93charming steedH54p5p2p0p6pmcdonald j.5.05/1tete
1012noir riderH79p2p4p0p0pde melo k.27/1cte tete
117fingers crossedH56p0p5p8p0pferraris l.18/1encolure
122wind speederH69p7p5p9p2pchung y.l.32/13/4 l

R2C1plathandicap 15100happy valley1200M102331big wave bay handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:40
13spicy so smartH40p0p9p6p7phamelin a.14/101:09
22charming steedH50p6p7p3p0pchan k.h.10/11 l 1/4
31rattan worldH45p9p7p8p9pde melo k.15/11 l 1/2
49noble boyzH69p7p3p4p5pleung k.c.8.4/11/2 l
58happily friendsH72p2p0p0p9pchadwick m.5.1/1tete
64brave and boldH47p9p9p7p9pavdulla b.9.05/11/2 l
75devil and goldH40p0p0p0p7ppoon m.f.11/1cte tete
87dashing triumphH45p3p9p0p0ppurton z.3.5/12 l 1/2
912tung haye hayeH57p(22)0p0p0pchung y.l.46/11 l
1011bell of victoryH54p5p0p0p0pteetan k.15/1tete
1110fortune turboH50p0p(22)0p0pmo h.t.52/14 l
6soaring towerH74p2p0p6p7patzeni a.12/1

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